Welcome to the Orchid Nest

Perineal Massage Oil


Choosing the right oil for this massage is crucial, as you want to provide your body with the highest quality nourishment and care. Our 2-ounce treatment pump bottle contains a specially curated blend of organic Borage, Castor, and Evening Primrose oils, designed to pamper and prepare your body for the beautiful and transformative experience of childbirth.

Perineal massage is a gentle and loving act of self-care that allows you to connect with your body and nurture it during this significant time. Our oil is here to support you in that journey, providing the moisture and nourishment needed to help those tissues yield and stretch comfortably during childbirth.

With our treatment pump bottle, application is easy and mess-free. You can trust that our oil is made with care, using organic ingredients that have been thoughtfully selected to offer your body the nurturing it deserves during this extraordinary time in your life.