Birth Position Mastery Class
Birth Position Mastery Class
Class length: One session of 2 hours
This class is designed for the pregnant person and a support person to attend together as some of the techniques that will be taught require support. Class size is limited to 4 couples to allow space and personal instruction.
The class shows you:
- Body Balancing for Pregnancy and Labor: Activities to maintain balance and comfort throughout pregnancy, labor and birth.
- Optimal Baby Positioning: Strategies to encourage breech/transverse babies to turn as well as techniques to avoid a posterior baby and the dreaded back labor.
- Early Labor Engagement: Positions and techniques to engage the baby early in labor, helping to shorten labor and create a more efficient labor pattern.
- Avoiding Cesarean: Tips to reduce the likelihood of a cesarean by addressing posterior baby positions and managing slow labor progress.
Investment: $125
*discount of $50 if taking HypnoBirthing…just ask 🙂