When you are properly prepared for childbirth and when the mind and body are in harmony, nature is free to function in the same well-designed manner that it does with all other mothers in nature.
Through self-hypnosis and special breathing visualization techniques, HypnoBirthing teaches you to release fear and to trust your body’s ability to birth instinctively.
The Creator of The Mongan Method
Hypnobirthing – The Mongan Method was created by Marie Mongan. HypnoBirthing™ classes are taught around the world by people who have studied with the HypnoBirthing™ Institute and connected with the teachings of Marie Mongan. Many practitioners have actually studied with Marie herself, including Lorie here at the Orchid Nest!
Once your body is in fight or flight mode, your body begins to release stress hormones. Your digestion slows down, your heartbeat speeds up, blood gets pushed to your extremities and away from your uterus. This causes pain in the uterus and slows down the labor process.
Data shows that HypnoBirthing parents have:
- Less Fear approaching birth
- Fewer interventions and surgical births
- Decreased use of oxytocics or AROM
- Shorter 1st and 2nd phase labor
- Fewer pre-term and low-weight babies
- Lessened or eliminated need for analgesia
- Happier and more content mothers & babies
- Babies alert; able to nurse almost immediately
- Few cases of post-partum depression reported
- Infants with higher than average APGAR score
If you are interested in utilizing hypnobirthing for yourself, the Orchid Nest offers a 5-session long course where they teach you the theory, practices, and provide you with all the materials. This course is taught by certified educators who believe in your ability to birth the way YOU want too!